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Anne Hathaway can’t handle the hate

Poor Anne Hathaway knows that people hate her; she just isn’t aware how long it’s been going on.

Anne Hathaway says fame really messed with her head

In a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Hathaway revealed the details of when she found out that “Hathahate” is a real thing. During a self-googling session while doing research for an upcoming Funny or Die skit, the actress came across an article that asked “Why does everyone hate Anne Hathaway?” and admits the information came as a shock.

“Punched in the gut,” Hathaway said of the way she felt upon reading the article. “Shocked and slapped and embarrassed. Even now I can feel the shame.”

And just when you think you can begin to feel a bit of sympathy for her, she finishes the statement with, “I was in crisis. Now I’d be fine, I really would be. I’d let it roll off my back, but at the time I was still partly Fantine. I was still identifying with being the victim.” With that comment, we’re reminded why people began to dislike Hathaway in the first place. It’s not that her acting is the problem — in fact, she’s fantastic. It’s that her public persona lacks authenticity. We already know she’s a hugely famous actress, she doesn’t have to reiterate the point. By drawing attention to the fact that she is an artiste, she alienates herself from her audience and is less relatable to us normal people.

There’s also the fact that she’s enormously unaware of when exactly the public started to turn on her. She seems to think it happened during the 2013 awards season, when she was nominated for numerous awards for her performance in Les Misérables, and she cites a red carpet dress mishap, along with a botched acceptance speech, as the beginning of the end. “While everyone was still getting on stage, I spoke. I should have gone after everyone else,” she said of jumping on the mic when the entire cast of Les Mis won the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture — Comedy or Musical. “I own that; it was rude. People saw that as grabby, I guess. I don’t know.”

James Franco fires back at Oscars critics

While the 2013 Oscars certainly didn’t help Hathaway’s image, people began to see her as self-involved well before that night. The 2011 Oscars, which Hathaway cohosted with James Franco, might actually be a more accurate point in time in which Hathahate was born.
Franco and Hathaway’s turn as Oscars hosts was panned by critics and lay audiences alike. Word that a feud had sparked between Franco and Hathaway spread like wildfire. People even began to speculate that Franco became so annoyed with Hathaway’s pretentiousness during the show that he was actually trying to bomb both of their performances just to mess with her.

And though many are convinced that thinking of Hathaway as a genuine human is impossible, she reveals that there are actually specific reasons for her behavior. She admits she was “weirdly presentational” when she won the award for Best Supporting Actress. “One of the things I’ve been accused of is being inauthentic. And they were right — but not for the reason they thought.” According to Hathaway, she’s terrified of addressing crowds. “I really struggle with it — it makes me incredibly anxious,” she said. “People treated me a certain way. But I’ve grown from it. This whole thing has made me a way more compassionate and loving person. And I don’t feel sorry for myself.”

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