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6 Quotes from the Inside Out trailer that are so real life

OK, this is a little scary. Are the creatives behind the new Pixar movie, Inside Out, actually inside our heads?

The film goes into the inner workings of the modern human mind and, obviously, they’ve done their research because some of the quotes from the trailer are so right on, you can’t help but giggle.

The movie gives everyone the opportunity to come face to face with the voices inside of their heads and all of the emotions that going along with them. With the voices of Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling and Bill Hader, you really can’t go wrong. Inside Out is coming to a theater near you in the summer of 2015, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

More:4 Negative reactions to the Inside Out trailer that actually make sense

Here are some of our favorite quotes from the latest trailer, which we find highly relatable.

“We’re gonna find out what’s happening, but we need support. Signal the husband!”

Who doesn’t feel like they should be able to get their significant other to help them with one simple look?

“Is it garbage night? We left the toilet seat up! What? What is it, woman? What?!”

Men, they just can’t ever figure us out.

“For this, we gave up that Brazilian helicopter pilot?”

OK, maybe there hasn’t been a Brazilian helicopter pilot in everyone’s lives, but we all question our Prince Charming’s charmingness every once and again.

“What was that?! I thought you said we were going to ‘act casual.'”

Child or not, we all freak out in our own heads after we react in a totally uncool way after we had totally planned to remain chill at all costs.

More:9 Exact times Pixar made us feel so many feelings and cry like a baby (GIFs)

“Prepare the foot… the foot is down! The foot is down!”

Sometimes, it just feels satisfying.

“Well, that was a disaster.”

Who hasn’t this happened to? When our significant other thinks they just handled a situation like a boss and we’re not quite on the same page, it kinda sucks the wind out of your sails.

Watch the full trailer below!
Images: Disney UK/

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