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Victoria Beckham was so un-Posh-like in this awkward yet hilarious video


How many random facts do you know about former Spice Girl, fashion queen and soccer wife, Victoria Beckham?

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She gets up every day at 6 a.m. to work out. She has a Bulldog named Coco Chanel. If she ran the world, she’d make it a better place by requiring everyone to do something philanthropic. She calls her kids by pet names that would seriously embarrass them if they were shared with the internet (which, let’s be honest, just makes us want to know that much more).

To celebrate the opening of her new London store, Victoria answered 73 questions in a video for Vogue, and some of the answers were perfect glimpses into the world of an international celeb.

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Like how she puts her socks on before anything else when she gets dressed in the morning. And she doesn’t go anywhere without lip liner in her purse. And she doesn’t ever smile because she’s smiling on the inside due to her “responsibility to the fashion community” (come on, Victoria, didn’t anyone ever tell you a smile is an accessory that goes with any outfit?).

The video is mostly cute, but feels a little rehearsed at times, which makes us wonder: Why the hell didn’t Victoria reshoot the opening scene? Because even though we’ve all experienced that awkward moment where you don’t know if a hug or a handshake is happening, when Victoria Beckham does it, it is decidedly un-posh — and probably not living up to that fashion responsibility she mentions.

Then again, Victoria says if she could bring anything from the U.S. to London, she would choose a fanny pack. Good thing she redeemed herself by wishing she could work out and nap at the same time. Us, too, girl. Us, too.

More:David Beckham lets Victoria dress him

Check out the full video, and then tell us your favorite random Victoria Beckham fact in the comments.

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