There is this unmistakable feeling that the Josh Duggar scandal is not over by a long shot.
With families that large, there will always be another secret or another two cents that need throwing in, so this candle could stay lit indefinitely.
And the latest family member to speak out against the disgraced reality TV star is Jessa Duggar Seewald’s father-in-law. Michael Seewald, who posted a scathing condemnation of Duggar in a blog post, calling him a “pretender” and “wicked.”
The post was titled “Grief, Shame and taking the Lord’s name in vein.”
He said, “In commenting on this I do not wish to add any more distress to a family still recovering from the indignity of the publication of a police report detailing Josh’s sins as a teenager. Though I have never gotten to know Josh very well, I have great respect for his sorrowing parents and immense sympathy for his dear wife Anna and their four children. I myself have been mourning over the irreparable damage that has been done to many by this whole circumstance, yet the reason I feel obligated to make these remarks is an overwhelming desire to vindicate the name of God.”
More:Research on the Duggars’ lifestyle and beliefs reveals shocking revelations
He then says he has issues with Duggar’s confession of porn addiction while he was preaching his strict conservative values.
He said, “It distresses me to say that Josh Duggar’s greatest sin is a byproduct of the sum total of his secretly sinful lifestyle. That is, that by his hypocrisy, he blasphemed the name of God. He claimed to be a Christian, but by his deeds he has suggested otherwise. With the name of God on his lips he lived a covert and extensive lifestyle of evil.”
He wasn’t done tearing Josh down. He continued, “He flourished in the flame of his family and the success of their television show, all the while betraying their trust and Christian values. The thing that is so hurtful is that he was a loud voice endorsing Christian ethics and he has been shown to be a fraud. I am profoundly grieved that he attained such a platform only to bring shame on God’s holy name and the Christian faith.”
More:Josh Duggar’s sisters have big plans post-TLC cancellation
He then turned his attention to the fact that he had been OK with him being a child molester because he thought he had changed, but is now changing his tune, claiming the Ashley Madison scandal took it too far.
“After hearing of Josh’s scandal when he was a teenager, I publicly stated that Josh appeared to be a changed man, was walking above reproach, and living out the faith that he professed. I stood in solidarity, encouraging him to use the scandal to build humility and grace. Sadly, he had deceived us all.”
Josh Duggar is now in a “treatment” and “rehabilitation” facility in Rockford, Illinois.
More: Josh admits his addiction to pornography and extramarital affairs
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