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There’s really nothing about Jesse Williams’ speech that Stacey Dash liked

Jesse Williams‘ passionate speech at the BET Awards this year was one that many people won’t forget in a hurry. Last weekend he took home the Humanitarian award for his work on raising awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement, and his comments on the need for social change left many inspired — but not Stacey Dash.

More:6 quotes from Jesse Williams’ BET Awards speech you have to share

Dash reacted to Williams’ speech in a blog post, referring to him as a “Hollywood plantation slave” and criticised him for his speech, which she found “racist.”

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: BET is keeping racism and segregation alive and this past Sunday’s awards show proves it,” Dash began, before focusing on Williams’ speech, which she believes was “nothing short of an attack on white people.”

Dash dissected Williams’ speech, writing about how he “saved his worst criticisms for whites who have committed so-called cultural appropriation of black culture and entertainment” — Justin Timberlake said he felt inspired by the speech, only to be quickly shot down by Twitter users, leading him to apologize and tell followers that “we are all one.”

“Justin, my dear, there is no ‘oneness’ when it comes to Black Lives Matter,” Dash wrote. “They’ve planted the seed of segregation and no longer want to live in ‘perfect harmony,’ like the old song wished. And if Michael Jackson once sang, ‘It don’t matter if you’re black or white,’ well, it does now, at least from their perspective.”

Dash then accused Williams of being “the perfect example of a HOLLYWOOD plantation slave!” saying that the fact that he was at the BET Awards at all “tells people you really don’t know what your [sic] talking about. Just spewing hate and anger.”

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She also said he was just like everyone else in his attempts to “get money.” The difference being that “your cognitive dissidents has you getting it from THAT BYSTANDER whom YOU DONT NEED. Yes. BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION is WHITE OWNED. GET over yourself and get on with it!” (sic)

Dash is an opinionated woman who does not back down on topics she feels strongly about, and, although what she has to say is often extremely controversial, we have to respect that she’s staying true to what she believes. However, we think she took her name-calling of Williams way too far this time.

What do you think? Did Dash takes things too far with her criticism of Williams and the Black Lives Matter movement? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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