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Joe Biden Is Teaching College Boys About Rape, Because It’s Come to That

Joe Biden is such a rape culture-crushing bae. Why, why didn’t he run for president? Ugh.

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On Wednesday, he spoke to a group of male students at George Mason University about rape culture and he did not fuck around. No, nothing was sugarcoated. Uncle Joe just laid out the straight definition of rape in hopes that it would get into these dudes’ heads and they would remember it and tell all their friends, because for some reason, there’s still some dispute about what that definition is exactly.

“Guys, a woman who’s dead drunk cannot consent,” Biden said. “You are raping her.”

Preach, Uncle Joe.

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Biden also threw a little shade toward the new administration, talking about what is and isn’t supposed to go down in locker rooms.

“I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms. I don’t know where in locker rooms, where it is acceptable to talk about, ‘Man, I was out this weekend and boy, I got a piece of her, and I did this and I did that,'” he said. “The guys who usually say that are usually the ugliest sons of bi… guns in the room. Here’s the deal guys, you gotta speak up. You cannot let that kind of talk be bred on a college campus.”

Biden and former president Barack Obama founded It’s On Us, an organization seeking to “[c]reate an environment in which sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported.” Biden is still doing work with the organization, because of course he is.
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He is, after all, the man who gets standing ovations simply for existing at a basketball game.

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