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French President Takes Aim at Donald Trump & Offers to Be Our Saving Grace

Just because the United States is lacking in decent political leadership these days, that doesn’t mean those political heroes aren’t out there.

Meet newly elected President of France Emmanuel Macron, who is quickly becoming one of Donald Trump‘s most outspoken critics.

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After Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement on climate change, Macron quickly stepped up to welcome any American citizens with the desire to “make our planet great again” and give them a spot in France to be innovative, rather than taking a step back.

“I do respect this decision, but I do think it is an actual mistake both for the U.S. and for our planet,” Macron explained in a speech with regards to Trump’s decision. He added, “To all scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, responsible citizens who were disappointed by the decision of the president of the United States, I want to say that they will find in France a second homeland.”

I greatly respect and admire Macron’s words to the citizens of the United States but, while I do consider myself one of those responsible citizens, I don’t plan to move to France. I’m a big believer that we shouldn’t abandon our country in its time of need. Rather, I plan on fighting here, to correct Trump’s dangerous and dated views on the environment. As a responsible citizen, I hope to see change happen in spite of Trump’s decisions.

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That being said, it is because of great leaders stepping up to the plate like Macron that we citizens affected by the decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement feel empowered to continue making a difference. I hope this is the first of many great speeches we will hear from Macron in the coming months.

He may have just assumed office on May 14, but he is already becoming a voice not just for France, but for all opponents of Trump’s policies. Macron has criticized Trump’s opinions on environmental issues and taken issue with Trump’s plans to build a wall on the Mexico-U.S. border.

Comparisons are also being drawn between Macron and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has also been an outspoken Trump critic. Trudeau spoke out on Trump’s immigration ban decision and countered it by saying that refugees were welcome in Canada.

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All in all, there is definitely a sense of relief knowing that the world is forging ahead despite Trump’s decision to back out of the Paris Agreement. Responsible leaders around the world are stepping up to the fill the void and we, as responsible citizens, can do the same.

What are you doing to decrease your global impact?

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