Being a member of the Grey’s Anatomy fandom isn’t exactly for the faint of heart. I mean, let’s be real: we may not have known it in the beginning, but by now, we all know what we signed up for by pledging our devotion to this show — heartbreak.
We have endured deaths… oh, so many deaths. We’ve seen our favorite couples go up in figurative flames. We’ve seen the hospital go up in literal flames. We’ve continued to tune in even though we know each episode brings the distinct possibility of ugly crying and commiserating with fellow fans on Twitter.
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Alas, we cannot help ourselves. Call us masochists, but true fans understand the pain that comes from tuning into Grey’s Anatomy is worth it. So we continue to watch, no matter how dark and twisty it makes us. Here are a few of the struggles we all know to be real.
1. Reminding yourself you’re not actually qualified to give medical advice
TBH, we’re pretty sure we could save a life in a pinch if we really needed to. After 14 seasons, you pick up some pertinent medical knowledge.
2. Realizing no one will ever be as McDreamy as McDreamy
Stand by for a second while we swoon. Then sob. Then swoon some more. #RIPMcDreamy
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3. Constantly questioning why anyone would ever work at Grey Sloan
How have they not shut this joint down yet? Shooting rampages, fires, accidental deaths… Grey Sloan has to be the most dangerous place of employment ever.
4. ‘Shipping Alex and Meredith… and hating yourself for it
Nothing against Jo, really. It’s just that Alex is Mer’s other person, you know? They are practically the last two standing, so it’s mission: impossible not to ‘ship them at least a little.
5. Questioning the logic of MerDer’s Post-It marriage… and hating yourself for it
They got married on a Post-It, y’all. Romantic, sure. Logical, nope.
6. Getting irrationally angry at Shonda Rhimes… and not hating yourself for it
If you routinely find yourself yelling “Go home, Shonda — you’re drunk!” at your TV screen, well, you’re not alone, my friend.
7. Wishing Yang was your person too
Sure, we all have our “person” — in fact, if someone refers to a friend as their “person,” it’s a solid indicator they’re a Grey’s fan. However, it doesn’t keep us from wishing Yang was also our person IRL.
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8. Hating new characters (until you love them)
One hour per week hardly seems like enough time with our favorite characters, and now we have to share that time with other characters? Unconscionable! Until, of course, they become favorites, too.
9. Rolling your eyes when someone asks “That show is still on?”
Yes, it’s still on. Yes, we still watch it. YES, WE ARE TIRED OF YOU ASKING THIS QUESTION.
10. Crying all the tears
It’s amazing we have any fluid left in our bodies. And yet, every week, it comes pouring out of our eyeballs like clockwork.
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