There are too many details in Westworld to count, let alone spot upon first viewing. Here are a few you might have missed.
The Westworld logo
The logo Maeve sees is different from the one that greets William, supporting the multiple timelines theory.
The woman in the photo
The photo of Logan’s sister is the same photo that Dolores’ dad found on his ranch, causing him to malfunction.
The knife
The knife the Man in Black uses during his meeting with Ford looks like the same one William uses to butcher hosts.
William’s makeover
More proof that William and the Man in Black are the same person: wardrobe.
Recycled hosts
Yet another clue that William is the Man in Black: MIB recognizes this female host as someone he saw long ago.
Ford’s father
The man we are led to believe was Arnold in the photo is actually Ford’s dad — another clue that Bernard is a host.
Arnold Weber
Arnold’s full name, Arnold Weber, is actually an anagram for Bernard Lowe.
Ford’s secret
While you were busy freaking out over Bernard killing Theresa, you might have missed Ford building a new host in his secret lair.
Original ‘Westworld’ Easter egg
A host in storage is a dead ringer for star Yul Brynner’s Gunslinger from the original Westworld film.
Dolores’ painting
In Episode 8, as demonstrated by Business Insider, you see Dolores and William end up in the same place Dolores painted.
Bernard reads ‘Alice in Wonderland’
In Episode 9, not only do you see Dolores, William and Logan sitting around a table, you see Bernard read to his son the tea party scene from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Ford, is that you?
When Bernard is speaking to this woman, you see the screen flicker and Ford’s face shows up. Nightmarish.
Mr. Abernathy’s reflection
Here, not only do you see Mr. Abernathy in the reflection, you hear him recite a line from King Lear, which we heard in Episode 1.
Teddy’s narrative
Behind Charlotte, you can see Teddy’s narrative displayed.
Maeve’s control panel
Maeve’s narrative ended with “Mainland infiltration,” which could confirm theories that Westworld is on an island.
At the end of the season finale, Clementine appears fully independent and active, participating in the first wave of Host assault.
Samurai World
During Maeve’s escape, she travels through a testing lab for what looks like Samurai World, meaning there are other “Worlds”/parks.
Maeve’s purse
Maeve leaves her purse on the train in the finale, and Business Insider suspects that this detail could be another mystery.
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