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Your favorite Ben & Jerry’s flavor is turning into your new favorite beer

Your favorite . Are we dreaming? This is a dream, right?

More:Ben & Jerry’s new Core flavors taste test: Here’s how they stacked up

No, it’s no dream. This is really happening. New Belgium Brewing Company is teaming up with Ben & Jerry’s to create Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ale. Bottles hit shelves this fall, and $50,000 of the proceeds will go to Protect Our Winters, a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness on climate change.

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This is actually the second time Ben & Jerry’s has collaborated with New Belgium — which is how I know this isn’t a dream I’m having right now. (Although, you still never know.) Last year the company created the Salted Caramel Brownie.

More:Ben & Jerry’s new vegan flavors: How they stack up against the originals

Anyway, if you’re the obsessive type (or just super forgetful), you can sign up for alerts so you can be the first one at your local grocery store buying up all the beer — and leaving quickly enough so that no one notices what you just did and word gets out. Does chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream-flavored beer even make sense? Who cares? I think we need to find out anyway.

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