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Candace Cameron Bure gets real about what keeps her marriage alive

Candace Cameron Bure’s secret to a happy marriage is really pretty simple. 

Sex — and lots of it.

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“We have lots of sex!” the Fuller House star told In Touch in a new interview. “I’m gone half the week, so when I’m home, we have to keep things alive.”

Bure and her former hockey pro hubby, who have three children — Natasha, 17, Lev, 16, and Maksim, 14 — also keep up a habit that many people dump after marriage.

“But listen — my husband and I like to have fun with each other. We flirt a lot!” she added.

She has a point: So many married couples succumb to the stressful parts of life — money, work, children — and they forget what brought them together in the first place. Keeping things spicy with date nights, flirting and “lots of sex” helps regain some of the fun parts that brought the couple together in the first place.

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Bure sparked some controversy a few years ago when she said that they follow the “biblical” teachings of marriage and she defaults to her husband’s decisions when it involves their family.

“I’m a very strong woman and an opinionated woman, but I don’t think a marriage is at its best when you have two people vying for the same position, so someone has to yield at some point and ultimately I will defer to my husband,” she said at the time.

“That’s not to say he isn’t constantly going, ‘Well what do you think?’ And we compromise on things, but ultimately he makes the decision,” she added. “I know that makes him feel respected as the man of our home.”

Sounds like the copious amounts of respect — and sex — are the not-so-secret secret to a long marriage!

More: The secret to happy marriage, told by couples married a combined 609 years

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