It’s time to get crafty and creative with your mail. Your mail carrier will be delighted… and maybe a little jealous.
Cards are so 2013. Get crafty and send your friends and family members a homemade 3D postcard instead. They’ll get a kick out of opening the mailbox and finding something that looks edible inside.
Here are 11 of our favorite homemade postcards you can make yourself and mail.
1. Watermelon
A watermelon package is a fun way to ship a gift. This adorable foam and cardboard container can hold small treats and trinkets and offers a fun surprise for any recipient.
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2. Slice of cake
Nothing says happy birthday like a slice of cake. Even if you can’t eat it, this chocolate cake postcardwill be a delightful surprise for the birthday boy or girl.
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3. Pumpkin pie
Rather than sending an invite or a Thanksgiving card, go above and beyond with a slice of pumpkin pie. Who can refuse that?
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4. Ice cream sandwich
No matter the season, everyone loves ice cream. And an ice cream sandwich postcard is no different.
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5. Popsicles
Recycle those old pool noodles and make Popsicle postcards. What a sweet surprise to find awaiting you — no freezer required.
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6. Fortune cookies
Send a fortune cookie with a message for Valentine’s Day or any other occasion just for fun.
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