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10 hilarious examples of why face swap is the viral hit you have to try

Let’s take a moment to thank Snapchat for creating one of its most entertaining — and disturbing — features yet. The glorious face swap filter can possibly scar you for life if you are not prepared to see what it considers a face. The possibilities are endless, and you’ll never truly know exactly what’s going to happen when you use this filter — which is pretty much why you can’t not try it at least once.

The most popular face swaps going viral are the ones that were not planned — aka when the filter recognizes parts of your or someone else’s body as a face or registers ordinary objects as possessing face-like qualities. Here are some of the most incredible — yet disturbing — face swaps that went incredibly wrong but are just so right.

Why did the filter register an outlet?

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When in doubt, try to face swap a miniature action figure, and laugh hysterically.

Even musician Troye Sivan has fun with face swap — clearly this one especially had to be the most entertaining.

His beautiful, floating fruit face of happiness is perfect.

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One can assume her goal was to swap with that creepy mouse. However, even with the necklace, it’s still a little terrifying.

This llama’s nose makes a perfect fit to this man’s face.

Now, face swapping with an animal seems possible, because they have two eyes, a nose and a mouth — or something along those lines — but who knew a face swap with a cat would be this funny?

Something as unplanned as this is one of the main reasons face swap is the best thing since sliced bread.

All that can be said about this photo is “nope.” This is just too cringeworthy.

This one takes the cake: accidental eyeball face swap.

More:Clever dad uses Snapchat to transform his baby into hysterical characters

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