Besides being that happy and friendly place that rests just above the U.S., there’s so much more to Canada than meets the eye. You probably know that their flag has a maple leaf on it, and they make a mean coffee (Tim Hortons, anyone?). But beyond the ever-present Canadian stereotypes, most of us are still pretty curious about what’s going on up north.
Finally — O Finally — our burning questions about Canada have been answered by Imgurian johnnyhasadhd, who really cares a lot about the peaceful land. This savvy Imgur user rounded up some fun facts about Canada that we’d never heard before and turned them into user-friendly graphics.
Even the Canadian government can take a joke.
The Atlantic Ocean
It is just like everything you’ve seen in the movies.
Canadian money
There’s that forward-thinking government again.
“Canada” means “village”
And they live up to their welcoming reputation.
Canada vs. America
The truth kinda hurts.
Macaroni and cheese
Two words for this one: Kraft Dinner.
The Eiffel Tower
This might be our biggest North American regret.
Polar bears
This is both scary and heart-warming at the same time.
In comparison to Tokyo
If you want to travel somewhere calm, quiet and way less populated, Canada’s the place to be.
Canadian coastline
Who can say they’ve been to a Canadian beach?
Oil reserves
The Canadian oil industry produces as many as 3.9 million barrels per day.
Less gravity
Maybe that’s why most Canadians act so relaxed.
Yonge Street
If you’re ever in Toronto, it’s worth a drive.
Lowest temperatures
They also plug in their cars. Yes, that’s a thing.
Mall of America
And Alberta’s West Edmonton Mall, aka the largest shopping mall in North America, is pretty impressive too.
Highly educated country
We’re not worthy.
Most lakes in the world
Yet another reason to travel to the big C-A.
Weapons of mass destruction
We’re taking notes.
Best licence plates
It’s confirmed — it doesn’t get any cuter than this.
Second-largest country
So much to explore, so little time.
Prostitution is legal
Close, but no cigar.
Positive tickets
Now, this is just adorable.
Third country in space
Finally, they’re getting some credit!
WWII buttons
Always the class act, Canada has never left a man behind.
Originally published Dec. 2015. Updated Oct. 2016.
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