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No Time to Waste! Celebrate Earth Day with These Easy & Engaging Activities for Kids

Earth Day is nearly upon us, and with it comes fun opportunities to teach children about our planet and how they can protect it for generations to come. Since kids learn best by playing and getting their hands dirty, they’ll flip for these hands-on Earth Day activities — and they’ll have so much fun coloring, cutting, baking, planting and creating that they won’t even realize they’re learning.

A few fun facts to share with your kids: The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, which means it’s celebrating its 54th anniversary this year! It was an idea conceived by Senator Gaylord Nelson after he witnessed the aftermath of an oil spill in California. It took 20 years, but in 1990, this American observance went global — and now Earth Day is celebrated by, well, people all around the earth. Approximately one billion people in more than 190 countries observe Earth Day, although in many other parts of the world it’s known as “International Mother Earth Day.”

Gather up your art supplies and prepare to be amazed at the beauty — and simplicity — of these Earth Day craft projects for kids. Or participate in a live or virtual Earth Day event. Either way, you’re showing the next generation how important it is to take care of our planet … and how good it feels to do good things!

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