Most of us have fallen for somebody in our lives. Whether it was puppy love, serious love or a total mistake, we know what it means to be a little twitterpated. Love is part of what makes us human and it’s why so many of us end up on dating websites or perusing through ex-lovers on social media or re-watching rom-coms until we know every word by heart.
One of the nicest ways to celebrate or reflect on love is through an excellent love quote. Whether it’s from your favorite sappy movie, a good-old love song or a classic poem, these quotes tend to resonate and help us better understand what it means to love and be loved… and sometimes to lose it.
So yes, we say embrace it. Let the tears flow, copy these quotes down in your journal or text them to a friend who gets it. These are some of the best quotes about love that really, really get it.
A version of this article was originally published in March 2016.
Paul Tillich
Washington Irving
Oprah Winfrey
Through the bad times and the good.
Thich Nhat Hanh
There's nothing more beautiful than two people giving 100 percent.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Because your connection is one-of-a-kind.
Maya Angelou
It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
James Baldwin
That moment when you get to relax because you're totally and completely yourself.
‘Sleepless In Seattle’
‘Sex and the City’
Elizabeth Gilbert
‘Gone with the Wind’
Maya Angelou
It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
‘Notting Hill’
‘The Notebook’
‘Wizard of Oz’
Nicholas Sparks
Nicholas Sparks' words from A Walk to Remember made for another rom com classic.
‘Love Story’
‘Catch and Release’
‘Sense and Sensibility’
‘Dirty Dancing’
Miss Piggy
Oprah Winfrey
Through the bad times and the good.
Marilyn Monroe
Betty Davis
John Lennon
Frank Sinatra
Sean Penn
Paul McCartney
Nicole Kidman
Jennifer Lopez
Woody Allen
Dr. Suess
Dennis Quaid
Marilyn Monroe
Jennifer Aniston
Lady Gaga
Lao Tzu
Sylvester Stallone
Unknown Author
Author Unknown
Julia Roberts
Jodi Picoult
Henry David Thoreau
Dr. Karl Menninger
Unknown Author
Leo F. Buscaglia
Sarah Dessen
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