Wendy Williams made some super-mean and unnecessary comments about Bruce Jenner on her show today, and it will leave a really bad taste in your mouth.
The talk-show host went off about the photos recently published that reportedly showed Jenner in a dress at his Malibu home and the rumors that he will reveal his male-to-female transition during his interview with Diane Sawyer tonight — and she said some incredibly intolerant, and intolerable, things.
Here’s the video — the rant starts at the three-minute mark.
Watch Wendy Williams go off about Bruce Jenner:
More:Bruce Jenner’s interview with Diane Sawyer: 10 Things we know so far
“If this wasn’t an obligation due to my career, I wouldn’t watch,” Williams said of tonight’s ABC special. “I feel duped by Bruce… I don’t feel duped because he’s turning into a woman. I feel duped because he’s the same fame whore as the rest of the family.
“Bruce has bigger fish to fry than turning into Belinda,” Wendy continued. “He should have thought about [transitioning] before he had all the kids… Belinda, shame on you!”
More:Bruce Jenner’s latest career decision proves he’s putting his kids first
Pretty ironic, considering the rumors that have plagued Williams her entire career that she herself was a man who transitioned to a woman. Even though it’s not true, you’d think she would be a little more sensitive to the situation — but who are we kidding? It’s still Wendy Williams, after all.
If Jenner truly is transitioning — and all signs seem to point to yes — he and others going through the same experience need our understanding and support, not snide comments in a public — or private — forum.
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